
TEL-0124 SIM7600 shield

userHead cmugdan 2020-03-03 13:04:03 3414 Views3 Replies
I was having difficulty communicating at 115200 baud from my Arduino Uno so I decided to change the baud rate permanently to 9600 using the AT+IPREX=9600 command. Now I cannot talk to the SIM 7600 at all. I tried all the baud rates in the DFRobot serial terminal but none worked. Is there something else I need to do?

If there is a problem that cannot be solved that way, how can I reset to factory defaults since I cannot communicate using the AT command set?

Chris Mugdan
2020-04-09 09:08:00 hi
i am having a similar issue.
found that software serial was struggling at 115200 and so changed it to 9600 at the start of code. was running fine untill i put project on the shelf for about eight months. now i can get a rapidly flashing blue light (connected to network)but that is all.
it wont respond to AT commands at all.
i have reloaded script from the wiki and have done as the wiki says to to the letter but still no response. i have tried different baud rates on both the software serial and the hardware serial (and serial monitor) and confirmed them in device manager. settings on arduino ide are as they should be (using uno wifi rev2). jumpers are set to tx-d0 rx d1 and software serial is set to pins 7,8. in desperation and counter intuitively i have even tried swapping the jumpers to 7,8.
i have tried using jumper wires instead of mating the board and shield.
i have tried loading a different script to uno and that communicates with serial monitor.
as above i have tried turning it off, disconnecting everything, leaving it overnight and rebooting .
power supply for shield is rated at two amps, uno is powered through usb
. i have tried sending an AT&F command.
what have i missed? it almost seems there is some serial communication issue. there is just no response in serial monitor .
is there another serial program that might pick up any response at all at any baud simultaneously? though i guess this will just confirm the hardware serial side of it and not the software serial. does any one know of a script that can send stuff from the softwareserial pins to the hardware serial pins and vicea versa without the shield. maybe into and out of a buffer or something?
i may be looking at a new shield but am a bit gun shy with this unit if it fails just sitting on a shelf.
userHeadPic ricinthelake
2020-03-03 13:31:35 Interestingly it reverted to 115200 after I left it for a while and then rebooted it(!?!)
I read about its auto baud rate detection. What is the best way to trigger that behaviour? Maybe that is the best way to force it to 9600.
userHeadPic cmugdan