HuskyLens menu shows only General Settings and Object Classification

userHead james.stanley 2020-05-14 05:51:09 2315 Views1 Replies
I have updated a new HuskyLens with firmware file HUSKYLENSWithModelV0.4.9Class.kfpkg (on Windows 10).
This appeared to work -- a box popped up saying firmware completed.

However, the HuskyLens function button gives me only General Settings and Object Classification in the menu. I don't see Face Recognition, Tag Recognition, Color Recognition, etc.

Is there something wrong with the firmware upgrade? How do I get into these other recognition modes?

2020-05-14 06:10:14 Oops -- wrong file. I reflashed with HUSKYLENSWithModelV0.4.6Stable.kfpkg and it works fine; no problem now. userHeadPic james.stanley