
Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor V1.0

userHead anonymous 2020-05-15 02:07:39 1386 Views3 Replies
I am measuring the soil moisture of a potted plant every 15 minutes. In spite of adding water on the same occasion I keep reading 528 (very dry) every time. Watering is computer controlled and the humidity is checked by feeling it. It is very wet. Nothing has been touched - the sensor just stays put.
I then moved the sensor a short distance and the reading became 371. More in line with what I feel by sticking a finger onto the pot.
If I cannot trust the sensor when left on its own then....
Can anyone explain?
best regards
2020-05-15 17:19:26 Hi,
I might add that I have coated the circuitry that is exposed with Urethan comformal coating.
I think I have seen the hanging of the sensor once before, and it is a serious problem (excessive watering) if it can happen.
best regards
userHeadPic anonymous
2020-05-15 17:09:11 Hi,
I have taken that into account. I establish a base reading as an average of 10 readings when the pgm starts up. In the case I am referring to I had left the sensor in place while taking readings and watering avery 15 minutes. In spite of the constant watering the reading stayed high - about 580 - ie. very dry. I only moved the sensor a couple of centimeters and the reading immediately changed drastiaclly towards wet - as it should. So, it is the hanging of the sensor that bothers me.
best regards
userHeadPic anonymous