
Maqueen extension on Makecode shows "Compilation failed,please check your code for error"

userHead biau809 2020-05-17 12:18:23 2910 Views3 Replies
After doing pxt staticpkg shows "Compilation failed,please check your code for error"

I follow the instructions with "Local server setup" section on using windows 10,

(1)Install Node.js 8.9.4
follows the steps on to install
Yotta SRecord 1.64 Visual Studio
mkdir d:\makecode
cd d:\makecode
(2)git clone
(3)cd pxt-microbit
(4)npm install -g pxt
(5)npm install
(6)cd libs
git clone
rename pxt-maquee to maquee
cd maqueen
npm install
edit d:\makecode\pxtarget.json

add "libs/maqueen" to bundleddirs shows as below

"bundleddirs": [
"libs/maqueen", <--- add this

(7)d:\makecode\pxt-microbit\pxt staticpkg

target: v2.3.62 D:\makecode\pxt-microbit
pxt-core: v5.37.74 D:\makecode\pxt-microbit\node_modules\pxt-core
packaging editor to built/packaged
log strings: 31 files; 9 strings -> sim-strings.json
copying common-sim...
error TS1109: Expression expected.
error TS1005: ':' expected.
building compiler...
[run] cd compiler; node ../node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc
building target.json in D:\makecode\pxt-microbit...
building D:\makecode\pxt-microbit\libs\core
building D:\makecode\pxt-microbit\libs\maqueen
building D:\makecode\pxt-microbit\libs\radio
building D:\makecode\pxt-microbit\libs\devices
building D:\makecode\pxt-microbit\libs\bluetooth
building D:\makecode\pxt-microbit\libs\servo
building D:\makecode\pxt-microbit\libs\radio-broadcast
All docs written from docs.
All docs written.
(8)D:\makecode\pxt-microbit>http-server -S -C c:\cert.pem -K c:\key.pem -p 443 -c-1 built/packaged
(9) go to chrome and open the URL with
(10)drop down green wheel --> extensions --> Maqueen
(11)drag a maqueen blocky to the editor
(12)click "Download" the show the message "Compilation failed,please check your code for error"

would you please advise me any correction to operate normal download HEX file to Microbit
2020-05-22 10:09:16 Any suggestions about compile issues? userHeadPic biau809