Bluno General Arduino

Romeo BLE mini Bluetooth "0000" and "1234"

userHead Account cancelled 2020-05-21 17:48:45 4011 Views4 Replies
What is the code for Bluetooth "0000" and "1234" dont work.
And how to shance it
AT+PSWD=0000 or so ?

2020-07-24 08:07:41 It's 000000, at least this works for Beetle. Not sure what is the big secret Nana Wang. Clear question, clear answer next time. As side note even you pair with PC it will get you nowhere. You need their communication protocol which is a non-standard protocol and it is stored in a dongle they sell for $9. Nana's next help will be to suggest to buy their proprietory dongle. It's July 23, 2020 and their ASAP is still not getting back to you. userHeadPic info