Forum >BME280 Environmental Sensor - How to set Sensor Address I2C (multiple sensors)

BME280 Environmental Sensor - How to set Sensor Address I2C (multiple sensors)

userHead richardjsears 2020-05-22 21:40:27 1522 Views3 Replies
Hello -

I have purchased the BME280 and it works great and now I need to add another one to my project but I do not see anywhere where I can change the address for a second one so that it does not conflict with the first one.

Please let me know.

2023-08-03 19:19:20



You might consider connecting another BME280 using SPI. 


Or use an I2C Multiplexer to use some BME280 together.

userHeadPic jenna
2023-08-03 19:02:05

You could use the I2C mltiplexer, which allows you to connect multiple I2C sensor even they have the same address

userHeadPic Yeez_B
2023-08-03 06:03:39

I second this. I don't see any way at the moment.

userHeadPic Peter.213