
Wifi Bee ESP V1.0 can't reset

userHead Account cancelled 2020-06-24 20:19:02 934 Views1 Replies

I'm using this module for a long time and I usually do reset via the 3V3 power pin.

Today for the final PCB release, to save space on my PCB I deleted the power shutdown circuit and connect de RST pin to my microprocessor.

Bad news, the pin seem to be inoperative. Also the physical reset button not working.

After a electrical power shut down boot I see the bootloader informations following to "ready" string. But nothing changed with button pushed. I think It's a software issue beacause this button is connected to GPIO5.

I'm also little confused with RST pin beacause if we look at the shematic RST is not a RESET pin, can you explain the function of this PIN ? It's connected to GPIO throught a condensator and pulled down to grounf with 10kohm resistor.

A thing the best solution now is to unmount C9, R6, and connect PIN 32 to RST signal to get my board working.

And why don't you provide a true reset PIN ? Why did you named a pin RST and don't explain anywhere the PIN function ? Also DIO1, DIO0, and DIO2 are connected to header, but you indicate pin as not connected ...

Tested version:

AT version: 19 2020 18:15:04)<CR><LF>
SDK version:3.0.3(8427744)<CR><LF>
compile time:Mar 24 2020 16:16:12<CR><LF>
Bin version(Wroom 02):3.0.3<CR><LF>

AT version: 3 2018 12:00:06)<CR><LF>
SDK version:2.2.0(f28eaf2)<CR><LF>
compile time:Feb 6 2018 14:36:23<CR><LF>
Bin version(Wroom 02):1.6.0<CR><LF>
