
Gravity Hearth rate monitor

userHead alexandre.campeau-lecours 2020-06-27 07:37:53 1650 Views4 Replies
I have just received a Gravity hearth rate monitor but I can't make it work.
I am used to working with Arduino, I did many complex projects.
And the sensors could not be more straightforward to use.
I have plugged the GND and 5V and the analog output to my Arduino (Mega 2560) A0 (and selected "A" o the chip).
The green light is on. However, the signal on the Arduino monitor is a straight line. The signal moves when I move the sensor on my wrist. But when I don't move it's a straight line (I don't see any hearthbeat). I have also tried to put the sensor on my finger.
I have also tried with the digital read.
I really don't see what I could be doing wrong.
Maybe it's broken ?
2020-06-29 20:03:38 Thanks,
I have restarted from the beginning. I do see something now when it's placed on my finger (analog and digital).
However, it's very very small: the wave goes from 868 to 878. Whereas on the product page in the video it goes from like 750 to 1000. When I place it on my wrist, if it's perfectly place, I can see something but the wave goes from 867 to 869 (next to nothing).
So I guess the wiring is good but it doesn't seem normal to have such a weak signal ?
userHeadPic alexandre.campeau-lecours