Forum >Sponsorship for dfrobot in Russia

Sponsorship for dfrobot in Russia

userHead mi_semion 2020-06-28 23:29:36 8465 Views3 Replies

I am an educator, long time promoter of robot Maqueen in Russia, supporting it with educational materials. Recently I initiated Russian localization for MakeCode extension maqueen.

I also have interest in Maqueen plus, huskylens, dfrobot IoT, dfrobot Science Lab.

As of now I am preparing for paper and electronic publication a fairy tale as an introduction to programming and robotics with Maqueen.

Should be interested to be mentioned as a sponsor or dotator in the book, we may discuss it.
In that case please use my email.

Mikhail Semionenkov, Ph.D.
2025-03-13 17:23:00


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