
DFR0327 : Is there a full manual? Communicating between the RPi and Arduino???

userHead craigdeanwhitmore 2020-07-14 16:30:24 1608 Views4 Replies
I am a little confused on how the RPi and the Arduino are supposed to "talk" to each other. There doesn't seems to be a manual of any kind??? any examples? code? or alike? It seems at the moment from the documentation its just a standalone Ardunio which also extents the GPIO pins????

As far as I can tell -

- it will pass thru the RPi GPIO pins to the GX ports on the Arduino.. The wiki page says it has bi-directional 3.3/5v so does that mean I can't use 3.3V now and all 3.3v will be converted to 5V out of the GX pins on the Arduino ?

But apart from that how are they supposed to communicate with each other.

I want the RPi to send the Arduino a command and the the Arduino to do it..

Is there a full manual or alike as all the wiki seems to have is instructions about passing thru the GPIO pins?
There is nothing about the real time clock? Pin Mapping? Xbee?? How do you communicate with it from the Rpi?

It seems its advertised that it can do lots of things.. but there is no documentation around to actually do it??
2020-07-17 13:43:54 I also worked out you can use Serial1 (Ardunio) and /dev/ttyAMA0 (RPI) to talk to each other by plugging in the TX/RX wires between the 2 devices and use the switch to A but the wiki says this is for the XBee so confused. Do I loose xbee access if I use the internal Serial?

I thought I could use maybe I2c as I can see the real time clock on the Audruino via I2c (I had to scour the internet to work out how to actually use the real time clock(Maybe it should be in the Wiki/Documentation?) ..) but the Rpi/Aud I2C doesn't seem to be connection..??

So I found a pair of SDL/SDA (One under Pi-IIC and the SDA/SCL from the Arduino and connected them together just in case and I can see they talk. Are they both 5V? Is this correct?? It seems all the GND's are already connected together?

The wiki seems to Label them SDL/SDK (incorrectly) and SDL/SDA on the Wiki and Image on the wiki points in the wrong place/With Typos

So how can I use the Pi-ID_IIC ?

Documentation please :-)
userHeadPic craigdeanwhitmore
2020-07-16 12:49:47 I have worked out I can use serial over the USB connected between the devices but this is so slow.

There must be a much faster way to swap information between them otherwise I would just have got a standalone Arduino.

Serial.print("Hello World");

import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0',9600)
while True:

The Ardunio has only 1 serial port so having to unplug, program, replug in again to Rpi is a little anoying..

waiting... thanks
userHeadPic craigdeanwhitmore