Forum >A01NYUB configuration

A01NYUB configuration

userHead nico.eng2 2020-07-21 13:51:59 1586 Views3 Replies

I have a A01NYUB distance sensor. I wired it to an ESP32 board and I can properly read the distance.

I see on the wiki page that the RX pin is described as 'Processed Value/Real-time Value Output Selection'.
Does that mean there is a way to configure the output of the sensor? Do you have a documentation for that?
I would be interested in turning the sensor on and off and changing the delay between two measures.
2024-05-07 22:56:02

sir, please tell why they do bitwise and operation with 0x00FF while calculating checksum. Please do explain..

userHeadPic yaswanth.kuna
2020-07-22 16:19:41 Ok, thanks for the information! userHeadPic nico.eng2
yaswanth.kuna wrote:

sir, do you have the documentation for A01NYUB  sensor. Please, tell sir. what is the difference between processed value vs real time value. 

2024-05-07 22:54:29
1 Replies