Can HUSKYLENS be used for Person Follower Robot

userHead 2020-08-02 20:21:43 2851 Views4 Replies
I am building person following robot, currently it uses GPS at outside and connectes to my mobile to get destination coordinates. but in close distance GPS is not working good, accuracy is bad. Also its not working indoor at all, so i want to add a camera option when camera catch the person, it will use camera follow instead of gps. But I am not sure if i can do it with HUSKYLENS, becasue of I teach him my face, how it can cach me from behind ? how is the learning mechanism, is it possible to teach person from each angle ? based on your imput i will but HUSKYLENS to add my project.

thanks a lot.
2020-08-10 22:18:43 Hi,

Thanks a lot, I found HUSKYLENS on local dealer in Turkey, I will order from there to try.
2020-08-10 15:59:41 You can use object recognition mode to track the silhouette of a person. Face recognition is not easy to achieve, because the face will not be recognized if the distance is far. But the silhouette of a person is relatively large, even if the distance is long, huskylens can recognize it. userHeadPic Youyou
2020-08-10 01:58:27 Looking forward to hear your ideas. userHeadPic