Make HUSKYLENS to follow Infrared LED

userHead 2020-08-02 20:29:14 2187 Views2 Replies
I am planning to make a infrared tracker system, i saw this video and make some re-search ... e=emb_logo

There are some issues to overcome to make this work.
1. All cameras has IR blocking filter - needs to be removed from camera - Does HUSKYLENS has also IR blocking filter.
2. Need to add a IR Filter where it blocks all other light and lets only Infrared to pass thru so that camera will not lost IR LED in daylight.

Is this possible to achieve with HUSKYLENS ?
2020-08-10 16:06:32 HuskyLens has the IR blocking filter, you can remove it, then to detect the IR light. If you just want the IR light, please add the IR filter. Please try it. userHeadPic Youyou