
A01NYUB - issue with output

userHead r.marciniak84 2020-09-04 05:08:15 745 Views1 Replies
I'm using the A01NYUB together with RPi to measure level of grain in the silo. At the moment silo is fully loaded with the grain. Sensor is mounted on the top of the silo. I have noticed that sensor started to give not stable output. Please see below output of the script which read value once per second (correct value is around 600 mm). I also attached picture of data which I send to server.
Is there anything I can to do to stabilise output of this sensor? What could be the reason of such behaviour?
Code: Select all
[email protected]:~ $ python3 /home/pi/Desktop/
Distance 2978 mm
Distance 2978 mm
Distance 606 mm
Distance 602 mm
Distance 606 mm
Distance 2974 mm
Distance 597 mm
Distance 602 mm
Distance 606 mm
Distance 2974 mm
Distance 2974 mm
Distance 2974 mm
Distance 2974 mm
Distance 2978 mm
Distance 2978 mm
Distance 602 mm
Distance 606 mm
Distance 602 mm
icon silo level last 24 hours.png Download(0)