
SIM7600CE - know when SIM card is registered into network by software

userHead hungtrjm 2020-09-08 14:47:55 1205 Views4 Replies
Hello, I am trying to set up the SIM7600CE to have it connect to the internet whenever I turn it on with Arduino Mega. I know how to turn it on with software by set the pin D12 to HIGH but I don't know how to read the signal of the NETLIGHT pin to get to know when the NETLIGHT starts to blink, which means the SIM card is registered into network successfully. Is there any way I can read that signal? Or is there any other way I can acknowledge when SIM card is registered into network successfully by software?
2020-09-23 11:04:14 Thank you so much, Nana. It is all clear for me now! userHeadPic hungtrjm
2020-09-16 18:38:01 Hi Nana, thank you for your response. For the signal strength, I think it should be AT+CSQ but is there any AT command to know if SIM card has successfully entered the network? userHeadPic hungtrjm