
DFRobot KIT0011 IO

userHead Account cancelled 2020-10-18 17:04:00 748 Views1 Replies
Hi ,

Maybe some one knows this lovely nice kit of sensors, it recommends using IO Expansion Shield (DFR0265) for connecting these sensors to an Arduino controller. Can i connect these sensor kit to a regular 5v arduino?
It looks like the IO expansion is for easier connections. Is there something I'm missing , with the voltages on this such as 3,3V logic or....,

Maybe someone knows? :?
2020-10-22 10:21:04 Hi,

Of course you can connect these sensors to a regular 5v arduino. Most sensors in this kit are compatible with 3.3v and 5v.
We recommend you use the IO expansion Shield because it is easier for you to connect multiple sensors to the controller without using a breadboard.What needs to be reminded here is that the IO expansion has a voltage switch function for output power, which can change the voltage of multiple pins at the same time, you can choose switch to 3.3v or 5v. The position of the switch function can be found in the part 'pin description' of the product wiki of the expansion. And the following modules need to work under 5v operating voltage (DFR0017, SEN0132, SEN0014).
userHeadPic wangyf8797