
Troubles with getting Pi Zero connected to Zero UPS Hat DFR0528

userHead maciej.zembaty 2021-02-08 06:22:51 1077 Views2 Replies

My project consist of Pi Zero and DFRobot UPS Hat (DFR0528).
As I am short of space, had to remove GPIO Header from both RasPI and Hat.
I soldered 1st cable (b-30-1000) between Pin #2 (5V) on RasPi and equivalent on Hat and
2nd cable between Pin #6 (GND) on RasPi and equivalent on Hat.
I initially ignored I2C pin #3,5, as as of now I don't need information back to RasPi about battery status.
With that setup RasPi wouldn't start with neither just battery connected or battery plus micro USB 5V (on Hat)

So I connected pins #3 and 5 on RasPi with Hat equivalent.
As result, with connected battery and 5V Hat micro USB connected, Pi started.

However with micro USB disconnected and just battery connected it doesn't start.
Any ideas what else must be soldered or what mistake I am making here?

Thanks in advance for advice.
2021-02-09 20:04:44 DFR0528 is made to drive Pi with 3.7V battery.
Solution found, it was just enough to solder 5V and GND between two boards to make Pi going on battery.
Just bear in mind that battery status is not provided back to Pi in this case, I guess GPIO 2 and 3 would have to be connected as well to get that done, but is not tested.
userHeadPic maciej.zembaty
2021-02-08 13:52:08 The 3.7V battery is not enough to drive the Raspberry Pi. The battery here is for the Raspberry Pi to charge the battery, not the battery for the Raspberry Pi. userHeadPic 347945801