
SRF02 Serial Mode 2 Sensor Commands

userHead winnner9101 2021-02-09 07:24:03 724 Views2 Replies
Hello, I am new to sensors and Arduino.

I have two SRF02 sensors and an Arduino Leonardo board. I am trying to have one sensor send the ultrasonic wave and the other sensor receive it. I followed the serial mode instructions from the product wiki to change the address of one of the sensors from the default 0x00 to 0x05. Now I am able to have each sensor work independently when both are plugged in. All I do is change the address in the sample code.

I have tried a few combinations of different "commands" such as 0x57 and 0x5E. I have been unable to figure out what set of commands I need to get one sensor to send the pulse and one to receive the pulse. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
2021-02-24 09:41:16 I'm sorry, I may have told you wrong information before. The sensor that can realize the radio range measurement should be the sensor that directly sends TRIG and receives ECHO. Connect the TRIG of A and ECHO of B to the main control respectively to complete the radio range measurement. The product that can do this should be SEN0004, I may have provided wrong information. userHeadPic 347945801
2021-02-23 04:56:27 Can anyone help? Still stuck and I am running out of ideas... userHeadPic winnner9101