
DFPlayer Next/Prev not working

userHead Account cancelled 2021-02-21 01:41:41 543 Views1 Replies
Odd problem. I have a DFPlayer and using the IO pins for volume and Next/Prev play. Volume works but NextPrev does not. Simple button with ground to IO pin on DFPlayer when pressed. I have it connected to an arduino for random play of MP3 when turned on. To simplify the number of buttons; I chose to use the IO pins. The thing is, I have used this same program on 2 other DFplayers I have made, with no problems. NEXT/Prev works on both with the volume control via the IO pins. I have tried 2 different DFplayers and 2 different Nano's with the same result? Same code; same connections; same hardware. Has anyone had a problem in the past with a batch of DFplayers not accepting Next/Prev commands?
2021-02-22 09:38:17 I think you can check whether there is a problem with the file storage in the SD card. If you are sure that the product has a problem, you can apply for after-sales service. userHeadPic 347945801