Forum >dfrobot sen0264 ts01 is not working as plc analog input 4-20mA

dfrobot sen0264 ts01 is not working as plc analog input 4-20mA

userHead Account cancelled 2021-06-13 01:29:29 880 Views1 Replies
Dear DFrobot,

We ordered dfrobot sen0264 ts01
but it seems not working with PLC
We are using this as a 2 wire analog input device for the plc but its not giving any mA
How to resolve this issue

Thanks & Regards
2021-06-27 00:20:50 This TS01 IR temperature sensor is a non-contact infrared thermometer designed for industrial In Stock Reward Points: 890 SKU:SEN0264 Given stable output data, this temperature sensor can exhibit a much better measurement a maximum accuracy of 0.5°C. TS01 outputs 4~20mA standard industrial current signal.
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