
Power FireBeetle ESP32 from solar panel

userHead Account cancelled 2021-09-02 17:01:14 429 Views0 Replies
As some others, I want to feed the FireBeetle ESP32 board with a 5V solar panel, being the battery a back-up power source.

1) My first idea has been connect the panel to the Vcc pin of the board. However, I see in the schematic that the gate of the Q3-SI2301 mosfet is not connected to Vcc, only the USBVCC is. If that is true, Vcc will go directly to the battery, with strong risk of explosion and fire. Moreover, Vcc also not connected to the TP4056 part, being impossible to charge the battery from it.

2) As alternative, I though on use the board DFR0559. However, according the schematic of this board, the output of the CN3064 battery charge controller is connected to the block "battery interface" (that is ok) AND to the block "MT3608 DC-DC boost 5V". That will make crazy the CN3064, that is not designed to feed a battery and a load (I wonder if the block "MT3608" should be connected to VIN of the CN3064, instead of BAT).

Any suggestion about how to connect the solar panel with 18650 battery back-up ?