Forum >Questions on Bluno demo app and protocol specification
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Questions on Bluno demo app and protocol specification

userHead rjsh.krshnn 2021-09-02 12:32:19 2353 Views2 Replies

I got a Bluno Mega 2560, but the BasicBlunoDemo app did not work with it on my Android Samsung A32 phone. The app does not discover the Bluno; the phone is not paired.

Using a Python program using Bleak from a Windows laptop, I was able to discover the device, and list all the services, characteristics, and descriptors. However the moment I write a character to the Serial characteristic in the Vendor Specific Service, the Bluno immediately disconnects.

The Python program also correcly discovers the Android if I run a generic GATT Server on it, so all devices have functional BLE.

I will appreciate help with any of these questions.
  • 1. Is there any documentation of the serial protocol if I wish to implement it on a different platform?
    2. Has anyone gotten the Bluno to work with a Samsung A32?
    3. What is the siginificance of "AT+PASSWOR=DFRobot" line in the Java code? Is this used on every access?
    4. Has anyone gotten the Bluno to work with the Bleak Python library on Windows? I got the farthest with this as the BasicBlunoDemo appl did not work for me.
Thank you.

2021-09-11 07:14:29 Folks, Linux+BlueZ+PyGATT works. userHeadPic rjsh.krshnn
2021-09-02 14:00:59 A quick update: I am able to send to the Bluno from the computer. The notify causes a disconnect. userHeadPic rjsh.krshnn