
EC Sensor Doubt

userHead Account cancelled 2022-02-18 19:29:09 1501 Views3 Replies
I have started interfacing EC Sensor.
Also i took df robot github code reference to interface the sensor.

However there is one doubt code which is as follows :

#define RES2 820.0
#define ECREF 200.0

Does anyone knows from where the values RES2 and ECREF is derived from ??
2022-05-10 03:42:05

SEN0451 - is there any schematic for the temperature sensor part?  If yes can you send link? 

userHeadPic giorasussmann
2022-05-09 18:53:37

#define RES2 820.0

This is determined by hardware, one of the op-amp's feedback resistors is 820 ohms, so that's where the 820 number comes from.

Please see the schematic link below. R10 = 820 Ω


#define ECREF 200.0

This is also determined by hardware. The amplitude of the high-frequency square wave signal emitted by the BNC port is 200mv. 

userHeadPic Youyou
YoannR wrote:

Hello, do you have by anychance schematics for EC Pro sensor and PT1000 Temperature sensor ? And maybe explanation for the definitions in libraries : #define GDIFF (30/1.8)#define VR0  0.223#define G0  2#define I  (1.24 / 10000)



2022-07-09 02:45:26
1 Replies