
MLX90614 and Micropython

userHead anonymous 2022-03-03 01:54:02 455 Views1 Replies

Just received my Gravity: I2C Non-contact IR Temperature Sensor (MLX90614-DCI) and trying it out with my ESP32 using Micropython.

Strangely, I keep getting 0xFFFF from the ambient (register 0x06) and object (register 0x07). But after 10-15 attempts I will get the correct reading. I know this because I created a loop and the loop ends if I do not get a reading of 0XFFFF, which is around 10-15 times

My configuration:
* I connected the SDA to pin 21 and SCL to pin 22. Ground is connected to the ESP32 ground. VCC is connected to the ESP32 3.3V pin.
* In micropython I am using SoftI2C.

Any insights will be appreciated.

2022-06-24 16:17:43

Hi! You can refer to this upycraft program. 

userHeadPic Tonny12138