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ESP-WROOM-32 internal temperature sensor

userHead Account cancelled 2017-09-28 00:13:27 5232 Views1 Replies

I have been testing many versions of ESP32 and the internal temperature sensor works on all of them so I am confident my code is good.

I am reading a temperature of 0 with the 2 I purchased from DFRobot (SKU:TEL0111). I can read the voltage on the GPIO pins.

Is there a temperature sensor on your version of the ESP32 module?
Is there different code to access the temperature?

I'm using:
uint8_t temprature_sens_read();
printf("ESP32 onchip Temperature = %dF\n", temprature_sens_read());
2017-10-18 16:52:05 Hi.
ESP 32 has the temperature sensor, but we didn't develop it on software side. If you want to use this function, you need to develop it from the low- level
userHeadPic robert.chen