
Audio Analyzer - Data does not make sense

userHead 2017-09-29 11:56:02 1968 Views3 Replies
I am using the Audio Analyzer with two sound sensors. I have double checked that I have it wired according to the wiring diagram: ... KU:DFR0126

The data does not have that much correspondence to the actual sound in the room. For example when playing this 20hz to 20,000hz demo:

I am seeing responses like this:

[0] = 61, [1] = 61, [2] = 57, [3] = 56, [4] = 50, [5] = 60, [6] = 59


[0] = 100, [1] = 174, [2] = 493, [3] = 466, [4] = 196, [5] = 203, [6] = 160

1) Is there anyway to increase the accuracy or test that it is accurate? It's seems like there is a lot of noise in the data.

2) What do the numbers represent? I am seeing numbers 0 to 1023.

3) I notice that when I delay between calls to Analyzer.ReadFreq() that it takes a really long time to respond to sound changes. For example if I am going from silence to noisy and then back to silence again the ReadFreq will continue to return data for a 10 seconds or more if I have to long a loop delay. Why does the delay between ReadFreq() calls change how responsive it is?

2017-09-30 02:03:49 I suspect it is because I am using two sound sensors that only measure amplitude and not a real microphone that includes the whole frequency? If this is the case, I am unsure why the Audio Analyzer and sound sensors are said to work together?

Audio Analyzer:
Sound Sensors:
2017-09-29 20:16:54 That's what I was hoping, that it was the amplitude of the 7 frequency ranges. However, this is the output that I get when playing a 300hz sound from the 20hz to 20,000hz demo ( )

[63hz] = 100, [160hz] = 174, [400hz] = 493, [1000hz] = 466, [2500hz] = 196, [6250hz] = 203, [16000hz] = 160

Even if I assume that everything less than amplitude 100 is 0, I am still seeing significant values in the other bands. Do you see these same results? Am I doing something wrong or is this as good as the sound analyzer gets?

2017-09-29 15:11:23 Hi
Actually the sensor is used to measure the analog value of 7 different frequency ranges(63Hz, 160Hz, 400Hz, 1KHz, 2.5kHz, 6.25kHz and 16kHz), and the number you got in your serial monitor is the amplitude of the 7 frequency ranges
userHeadPic robert.chen