SEN0344 Code Issue with Bluetooth
Hey, I'm trying to use the library and code along with the HC-05 bluetooth module. When I don't import the module I get the HR and SPO2 values.
As soon as I import the SoftwareSerial library, I don't get any output at all.
Here's the code:
#include <DFRobot_MAX30102.h>
DFRobot_MAX30102 particleSensor;
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial EEBlue(2,3);
/*Macro definition options in sensor configurationsampleAverage: SAMPLEAVG_1 SAMPLEAVG_2 SAMPLEAVG_4 SAMPLEAVG_8 SAMPLEAVG_16 SAMPLEAVG_32ledMode: MODE_REDONLY MODE_RED_IR MODE_MULTILEDsampleRate: PULSEWIDTH_69 PULSEWIDTH_118 PULSEWIDTH_215 PULSEWIDTH_411pulseWidth: SAMPLERATE_50 SAMPLERATE_100 SAMPLERATE_200 SAMPLERATE_400 SAMPLERATE_800 SAMPLERATE_1000 SAMPLERATE_1600 SAMPLERATE_3200adcRange: ADCRANGE_2048 ADCRANGE_4096 ADCRANGE_8192 ADCRANGE_16384*/void setup(){ //Init serial Serial.begin(115200); /*! *@brief Init sensor *@param pWire IIC bus pointer object and construction device, can both pass or not pass parameters (Wire in default) *@param i2cAddr Chip IIC address (0x57 in default) *@return true or false */ while (!particleSensor.begin()) { Serial.println("MAX30102 was not found"); delay(1000); }
/*! *@brief Use macro definition to configure sensor *@param ledBrightness LED brightness, default value: 0x1F(6.4mA), Range: 0~255(0=Off, 255=50mA) *@param sampleAverage Average multiple samples then draw once, reduce data throughput, default 4 samples average *@param ledMode LED mode, default to use red light and IR at the same time *@param sampleRate Sampling rate, default 400 samples every second *@param pulseWidth Pulse width: the longer the pulse width, the wider the detection range. Default to be Max range *@param adcRange ADC Measurement Range, default 4096 (nA), 15.63(pA) per LSB */ particleSensor.sensorConfiguration(/*ledBrightness=*/90, /*sampleAverage=*/SAMPLEAVG_4, \ /*ledMode=*/MODE_MULTILED, /sampleRate=/SAMPLERATE_100, \ /*pulseWidth=*/PULSEWIDTH_411, /*adcRange=*/ADCRANGE_16384);}
int32_t SPO2; //SPO2int8_t SPO2Valid; //Flag to display if SPO2 calculation is validint32_t heartRate; //Heart-rateint8_t heartRateValid; //Flag to display if heart-rate calculation is valid
void loop(){ Serial.println(F("Wait about four seconds")); particleSensor.heartrateAndOxygenSaturation(/**SPO2=*/&SPO2, /**SPO2Valid=*/&SPO2Valid, /**heartRate=*/&heartRate, /**heartRateValid=*/&heartRateValid); //Print result Serial.print(F("heartRate=")); Serial.print(heartRate, DEC); Serial.print(F(", heartRateValid=")); Serial.print(heartRateValid, DEC); Serial.print(F("; SPO2=")); Serial.print(SPO2, DEC); Serial.print(F(", SPO2Valid=")); Serial.println(SPO2Valid, DEC);
String str = "HR=" + String(heartRate); int str_len = str.length()+1; char char_array[str_len]; str.toCharArray(char_array, str_len); Serial.print(char_array[str_len-1]); EEBlue.write(char_array,str_len);