Motor controller not giving power out

userHead MotorController 2022-05-15 00:42:59 531 Views3 Replies

I bought the motor controller DRI001
The tutorial explains how to power an Arduino using the 5v output.


I have powered the motor controller with a 7V LiPo battery, the indicator light turns on.

The voltmeter correctly reports ~7V near the green bridge (motor1,2, vcc and GND) but reports nothing on the +5V/GND output.


Can someone please tell me what the light is about and how I can be absolute sure that the controller is not defective.




2022-05-16 03:16:49

Many thanks for your reply.

Reading the spec I really thought that pin was a 5V out.



userHeadPic MotorController
2022-05-15 15:04:48

These pins supposed to connect to MCU.  They are not 5V output.  You should connect your MCU power and control pins to it.  Please see the diagram below. 


userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
MotorController wrote:

Many thanks for your reply.

Reading the spec I really thought that pin was a 5V out.



2022-05-16 03:17:19
1 Replies