Get FireBeetle ESP32-E charging state

userHead Teratull 2022-06-23 02:59:01 421 Views2 Replies

Hi, I recently got a FireBeetle ESP32-E (DFR0654) and attached a battery. Now I was wondering if it's possible in code to get the charging state (charging, fully charged, no battery connected). Maybe through one of the IO pins? Alternatively, would it be possible to determine if the device is powered through the battery or USB port? 

Any help would be appreciated.


2022-07-19 16:17:14

Thanks for your reply. IO34 gives me the battery voltage, but does not tell me if the battery is being charged or not. So unfortunately it will not suite my use cases, knowing if the battery is being charged or if the board is powered by battery or USB.

userHeadPic Teratull
2022-07-18 17:26:30


you can try read IO34.

userHeadPic Bob.Zhuang