Bluno General Arduino

Hex file firmware for BLEmicro

userHead lamqhoang 2017-10-19 13:59:20 2607 Views3 Replies
I'm desiging a product using BLEmicro module. But somehow the bootloader is broken. I do not have the USB connection on my PCB to flash the binary, but I'm able to access to CC debugger, could you send me the hex file for BLEmicro so a can program it with CC debugger?
Thank you,
2017-10-24 17:32:00 Hi,
you can download SBL_BootloarderV2.0.hex and SBL_Blemega2560V1.9.bin from the website above, and if you want to know AT+SN, you can email: [email protected]
userHeadPic robert.chen
2017-10-19 15:59:29 Hi,
Thanks for your reply. I'm able to load the bootloader, but i don't have access to the USB port on my device. I kindly ask if you could send me the hex file for firmware so I can flash it with cc debugger.
userHeadPic lamqhoang
2017-10-19 15:23:00 Hi
The bootloader for BLE micro is the same with our BLE device, you can refer to this wiki about the hex file ... service%3F
userHeadPic robert.chen