
DRF0555 LCD?

userHead SteveWenner 2022-07-14 02:26:35 869 Views1 Replies

I am trying to interface LCD to MSP430FR….I have the LCD connected to 5V and ground with 2 4.7k ohm pullups to 3.3V (SDA, SCK)….these run to MSP430….I am sending 0x7C (Write), 0x00 (Control), 0x01(Data — also tried 0xF) …I am capturing it on the logic analyzer and it looks fine…The display does not react…..


Any ideas?


2022-11-02 10:55:02

Please try to set the display, rotate the potentiometer on the back of the screen, until the screen has a clear display.

userHeadPic Winster