
Wifi Bee wireless relay controller

userHead Ron.Kessler 2022-07-15 07:21:21 252 Views1 Replies

I have been using a relay controller (PowerSwitch Tail) with the Sparkfun Wifly RN-XV module (now discontinued). I want to upgrade my project with the Wifi BEE RN-XV module. I just need the Bee to toggle GPIO 1 high/low. I can communicate with the Wifi Bee but cannot control the state of GPIO pins. I thought the two modules were pin-for-pin compatible but maybe not. I would appreciate any help in figuring this out. 



Ron Kessler

2022-07-16 07:00:36

7/15/2022 update. I have two Sparkfun Wifly (RN-171) modules that work in my project. I set the sys mask 0x21f2 to enable GPIO 1 as output and I can toggle pin 9 (GPIO1) from my phone app perfectly.

I use the same mask and other settings in the Bee and I can transmit to it but it will not toggle pad 9. One of my Sparkfun bees runs on ver 2.32 and the other one is running ver 4.41 so it doesn't seem to be a version issue. A lot of time spent on such a simple goal. There must be a config setting I am not seeing….  



userHeadPic Ron.Kessler