DFRobot ENS160 + Raspberry Pi Pico

userHead AkshayBankapure 2022-08-01 20:03:16 982 Views4 Replies

hi I am new here so forgive if this is not a very good Question for discussion.
I am trying to collect airquality data for my school project using ENS160 and Raspberry Pi Pico (Micropython - Thonny). 
I am getting an error like smbus something when I use the library written for Raspberry Pi 2/3/4. I am unable to get any library for the micropython or pico. Could anyone suggest me How to tackle this problem? 

getting this error below



Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
 File "/lib/DFRobot_ENS160.py", line 18, in <module>
ImportError: no module named 'smbus'

2023-03-30 02:46:07



curious why an I2C module could not be used with a Raspberry Pi Pico?


I was planning to use the GP8403 with a Pico, looking at the python library, I thing the write could be done with the standard I2C of MicroPython, right? There might just be some work to port the "store" to EEPROM. If I understand correctly it's just about sending the right data, with the start and stop (that should be done automatically with MicroPython I2C) and a pause of 10ms in the middle.


Am I wrong?


2023-03-02 13:57:29


The module is for Raspberry Pi 2/3/4 only, you can not make this module work with Pi Pico.

Sorry for that.

userHeadPic NeloKin