ArduinoGeneral Gravity

ADS1115 - Reading raw ADC values

userHead Minxster 2022-08-17 22:22:25 1046 Views0 Replies

I've recently purchase a ADS1115, and I'm playing around with it to see how the Arduino functions work. But I've noticed that I can't just read the raw ADC values, pre-conversion to mV? I've used an equivalent module from Adafruit and I'm able to get this information, which has been invaluable to me for the projects I'm working on.


Is this something that could be added to the Arduino library?


Also, though not completely necessary, it would be handy to be able to read the gain information directly from the module, especially since the module is keeping track of this itself.


Are these thing something that could be looked into? I'd rather not go off and re-write the module to cater for this myself, since I'd rather keep true to the existing Arduino libary.