
DFPlayer Noisy When Starting

userHead Account cancelled 2017-10-28 12:32:09 9909 Views7 Replies
It's my first time using one of the DFPlayer Mini modules and I'm having a problem when it first powers on. There is a very loud noise for a few seconds. Afterwards it works perfectly.

It's wired according to the example schematic including the resistors on the RX/TX connections and controlled by a Arduino Nano. The setup portion of the code is a direct copy and paste of the example code, only the pin numbers have been changed.

I can tell by the LED's that code wise it's occurring before the loop part of the code executes.

I recorded a short video of the sound. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2019-06-19 22:09:26 Solution from adolfhack works for me.. i put 120 ohm resistor in dfplayer speaker out (dfplayer pin 6)... very very thanks for your solution. userHeadPic renstanford
2018-02-10 02:24:05 I found it I think. I put 1k resistors between the nano and the player. no noise... hmm...

Update: 2 hours later. So the noise using the speaker out on the player is totally gone. that's awesome. But using the DAC output to feed an amp (ebay special PAM8403), it's back. it's only audible during playback, and is not noticeable at high volume playback. I think it's the player, since after it started playing I disconnected power from the Nano, so no signals to it at all. It's the only device powered (except the amp.)

I tried larger values on the resistors, but it didn't seem to help. I'll let you all know if I figure it out.
userHeadPic jhopper.doc
2018-02-10 01:36:05 I tried this and it didn't help. I tried pulling pin1 of the 8002 to ground directly, using the resister jumper, and even go vcc (yah, I know that shuts it down.)

if I have pin1 of the 8002 shunted straight to the GND pin, it immediately comes on and starts playing right away (hooked up to a Nano). but after about 5 seconds of playback it starts doing the noise. Any ideas? I'm stumped. I've tried decoupling caps everywhere... it's on the dfplayer... not the circuit... I can even hear it playing through the noise...
userHeadPic jhopper.doc
2017-12-01 16:48:11 Just came across this blogspot entry by Dr.Tune

In short: This works like a charm for me. No more sound where it don't belong, even the white noise from the speaker in 'pause' mode is gone, it's just dead silent this way. He perfectly explains whats happening and why, to mod the Player like this, remove the 0Ohm resistor next to the 8002's pin1 and bridge the two open pads on the other side instead.
Disclaimer: Be more careful with removing the resistor than I was. As you can see the whole pad gets ripped off easily if you're too rough. userHeadPic eleqsis
2017-11-26 18:01:51 I had this problem for months..
anyways i tried one thing that worked for me..
i put a small resistor of 12ohms " you might need to try other values .. but 12 worked for me"
between the dfplayer and the speaker ..
worked but the sound is little bit lower..

if you guys have another solution please advice....
userHeadPic adolfhack
2017-11-26 05:05:20 Same issue here using SoftwareSerial on a WemosD1. Strangely, running the exact same sketch on a NodeMCU, the buzz is just barely noticable. userHeadPic eleqsis
2017-11-17 14:06:48 Having the exact same problem, find a solution? userHeadPic mcmancuso