
How many esp2866 chips can be connected peer to peer

userHead SohamMaoor 2022-09-01 13:55:15 485 Views1 Replies

I want about 60 esp8266 sending data many to one. I know I could use broadcast, but I am more of just curious as to the limits of esp-now. Esp-now claims 20 is the max. Is that the case? Or is it more arbitrary?

2022-10-07 13:40:33

10 encrypted peers at the most are supported in Station mode; 6 at the most in SoftAP or SoftAP + Station mode; Multiple unencrypted peers are supported, however, their total number should be less than 20, including encrypted peers; Payload is limited to 250 bytes.

userHeadPic JamesWalter