
SEN0377 - MICS4514 Issue

userHead UshalvnRaj 2022-09-05 19:44:28 200 Views2 Replies

I recently purchased the SEN0377 sensor. I have been testing to obtain values from the sensor but all I get is 0 ppm for any gas. I used the sample code provided in the library and below picture represents the output I obtain. Can anyone help me on this matter?

2023-02-01 16:23:30


The defect gas the module measured is Alcohol, you can modify the demo code and see how its works.

Also, this module needs to be pre-heated for 3 minutes every time you use it, please wait patiently.

From the reading of ADC, it looks well, seems that the module itself is working.

Hope it can help.

userHeadPic Tonny12138
2022-09-05 20:00:54

This is what I obtained for running the getADCData.ino file

userHeadPic UshalvnRaj