undefined reference to `esp_now_..

userHead Pierre-YvesDUSSAIX 2022-09-11 16:16:36 3130 Views2 Replies



I can't compile my sketch or other sketchs found on internet that use ESPNOW on your Firebeetle ESP8266. My sketch is running well on an ESP32 from Azdelivery.


I got this error :

<command-line>:0:19: warning: missing whitespace after the macro name [enabled by default]
/private/var/folders/ml/fhx2h4td5bn6jsqjc2w8n1v00000gn/T/arduino-sketch-254AFB23495B17BEC9862AC214E42AE6/sketch/sketch_sep11b.ino.cpp.o:(.text.setup+0x8c): undefined reference to `esp_now_init()'
/private/var/folders/ml/fhx2h4td5bn6jsqjc2w8n1v00000gn/T/arduino-sketch-254AFB23495B17BEC9862AC214E42AE6/sketch/sketch_sep11b.ino.cpp.o:(.text.setup+0x90): undefined reference to `esp_now_set_self_role(unsigned char)'


All ESPNOW directives I used are “undefined reference”.


I try to add  "-lespnow" to the compiler.c.elf.libs line in my ~/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif8266/platform.txt as suggested by some.


What is wrong?




BTW I can't send a file.

2022-09-26 09:29:02

Hi! You can try this board link:    


userHeadPic jenna
2022-09-23 17:43:08

Hello, I have already reported your question to the product manager. I will notify you as soon as possible if there is a reply.

userHeadPic jenna