HuskyLens API

userHead markiemoosle 2022-09-29 01:21:20 2112 Views4 Replies

Can the ‘learn’ button be pro grammatically triggered via software with the API? As in if I can parse the data and see a face, is there a way to make the unit ‘learn’ the face in software?

I can get it to work as long as I physically use the button and then checked in software for learned blocks,but…

2022-10-23 12:39:43

Is this due to the wrong API  or anything else? What do the experts suggest doing now?

Thanks in advance.

userHeadPic Jijo.Ken
2022-09-30 13:32:19

Just answering my own questions here :-( 

the only software learn functionality is the ‘writeLearn(int)’ API function, but it only applies to the object recognition. So the answer to my original post is…



userHeadPic markiemoosle
2022-09-29 03:29:28

Im fearing that this could have been a rhetorical question to myself. I don’t think it programmatically supports the ‘learn’ of pushing the physical button. I think I’m going to have to switch over to the m5stack V2 AI camera as this has a much better source programming interface. Shame as I do like the Huskycam unit for its speed and display, I just think it does fall down on its API.

userHeadPic markiemoosle
2022-09-29 01:23:53

userHeadPic markiemoosle