
Problems displaying BMP images using DFRobot_GDL library.

userHead Benjamin.Schaeffer 2022-10-13 17:47:19 492 Views2 Replies

Hi Everyone. 


I am trying to load a bmp image to my screen (3.5” IPS capacitive Touchscreen Display) using the following line of code with no success. 



This code has come directly from drawSDPicture example in the DFRobot_GDL library. The line of code works just fine when I use any sample image from Adafruit Imagereader Library but when I make my own bmp or get one online it wont write the image. I have no Compile errors and the code loads fine to my Uno. 


I have tried a bunch of different ways to save the test image as a bmp ( using paint and online converters), including rescaling the image to be smaller/larger with no change. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone. 

2022-10-17 15:36:11

Software download address:

userHeadPic jenna
2022-10-17 15:34:31

Hi! It is recommended to try to use software to obtain image fonts, add header files, and use them in the code.

userHeadPic jenna