
BMX160 - tilt data

userHead Petr.Filipi 2022-10-23 04:44:25 1511 Views1 Replies



A have bought a SEN0252 module (BMX160 + BMP388). 

Is there a way, please, how to get a tilt data (left/right, front/back) in e.g. degrees? Acording to a description, it is “… 9-axis absolute orientation sensor …” so I expect, that I should be able to get this data.

I'm able to read data from regs about accel, magn. and gyro. 


But how to read data about orientation?


Many thanks for your answer.


Petr Filipi

2022-10-25 10:08:53

Hi! Please refer to this wiki:

userHeadPic jenna