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does it worth to have a ToF sensor in phone ?

userHead WateUhlerredal 2022-11-02 13:58:31 1691 Views0 Replies

im interested in the ToF sensor and its possibilities, is it worth to buy the s20 ultra instead of 21 ultra just to have it (and save some money) ?

edit: i made my decision going for the s21 ultra because: 1.s20ultra is so hard to find here, specially the 256 gigs version. 2.the diffirence in money is almost nothing. 3.i really love that tof sensor but im not giving up a qhd 120hz, slower processor, worse camera, worse design and more 1 year of updates for it.

i may buy the s20ultra only if i had it new in package and 256 gigs of storage with a reasonable price.