
Gravity Sensor broken logcat workaround

userHead BrusterThemand 2022-11-03 13:57:52 379 Views1 Replies

I seem fated to be finding workarounds for broken things. I've posted before about the gravity sensor that doesn't work with events only states.

Here's a profile+task with a logcat entry created by rotating the phone from face up to standing up. I filtered on an innocuous Sensor event.

This churns out the gravity sensor readings at about one per second. It might be enough to fake a gravity sensor event.

If you have any insight into what this is really doing, please tell.

Profile: Sensor Voodoo Event: Logcat Entry [ Output Variables:* Component:SensorsHub Filter:batch: handle=27 period=100000000 timeout=0 Grep Filter (Check Help):Off ] Enter Task: Gravity_Sensor A1: Test Sensor [     Type: Samsung Gravity Sensor     Timeout (Seconds): 30 ] A2: Flash [     Text: %as_values()     %lc_text     Long: On     Continue Task Immediately: On     Dismiss On Click: On ]

2022-11-04 11:57:15

I am on the 2.14 version and I tried importing gravity and orientation samples, and they don't seem to work on my device. I have a Samsung Galaxy C7 with Android 8.0.0

I remember those samples were working before, but I am not sure it was before or after I updated from Android 7 about two months ago. So I downloaded 2.12 from F-Droid and fresh installed that, but they still didn't work. I had an old backup from v2.6.1 and tried that as well, and the uniforms were working on that version.

Currently I'm on 2.14 and tried a couple of other sensors. Linear, gyro and inclination uniforms doesn't change the output of the shader, but I don't know what they do exactly, I just shook my device and nothing changed. Light and magnetic sensors work, so not all of them are broken. I tried disabling power saving mode, phone orientation, looked into app settings to see if there are some permissions I haven't given, changing sensor delays in the settings, but nothing changed anything.

userHeadPic WilnarMasonik