General Gravity

Tasker fails to read Gravity Sensor

userHead JohnSonandrla 2022-11-03 18:02:53 840 Views0 Replies

Tasker has the AnySensor stuff that lets me read the Gravity Sensor. About a year maybe year-and-a-half ago Tasker stopped reading events from that sensor. i had built a nice tilt to scroll project that no longer works. Tasker could still read the state, so I can do things like double tap the screen and what happens depends on the phone orientation.

Android 12 has arrived and in general my phone is much better. It even has a Samsung Sensors app that quite clearly shows the gravity sensor streaming readings so this points at Tasker being at fault.

Android 12 also has a thing about removing permissions so i occurs to me that maybe Android has crippled the gravity sensor by removing an essential permission?

Much appreciated if anyone can help me get my gravity sensor back.