Bluno General Arduino

Sketch upload failure

userHead Account cancelled 2017-10-31 00:33:21 2059 Views1 Replies
I've recently bought the Bluno Nano SKU:DFR0296 . Downloaded the latest Arduino IDE 1.8.5., updated DF BLE device bootloader to 2.0, can get the AT commands replies (ie AT+VERSION=? returns 1.97), but cannot upload any sketch... The Bluno is connected only with the USB cable, no BT connection and I get this message from the IDE:
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 10 of 10: not in sync: resp=0xd2

The only LED on is the ON, the L does not even blink... The only one blinking 3 times is the RX LED just after the sketch compiled and wants to upload. I tried the loopback test, but do not get any reply...

I'm new to this, have searched the net for possible causes and solutions and all my pointers say its a bricked bootloader. Or do you guys please have any other clues/guides as to what is wrong? If the only possible way is to burn a new bootloader through ICSP, are those the 6 pads on the bottom? What is their pinout?

Thank you!

p.s. tried 3 different cables (ones I use for quadcopter programming) on two different computers... same results..
2017-12-19 18:08:17 what if you just upload the Blink example? and was the port showed your device? userHeadPic robert.chen