General Raspberry Pi

Nodes on Raspberry pi 2

userHead SnowranCruzick 2022-11-11 17:33:00 803 Views1 Replies

Been in Bitcoin for a while but mainly as a hodler and now I want to take the next step (running a node)

I really want to run a bitcoin node and I happen to have 2 old raspberry pis that I am not using at all. One of them is a raspberry pi 2 and the other one is a 3.

Since I read everywhere that the recommended raspberry pi should be a 4... Can I still run nodes with the 2 and 3? (So I can at least get some kind of use out of them. I am not going to be using them for anything else anyways) Or is it not technically feasible?

2022-12-20 18:19:52

Just putting the response from @Prashant Pathak above here:

Download latest nodejs build for Raspberry Pi:


Unpack files in local directory:

cd /usr/local sudo tar xzvf ~/node-v0.10.0-linux-arm-pi.tar.gz --strip=1

That's it. You can confirm it's there by checking the node version with:

node -v


npm -v

The actual url to get the files for node will change as the version changes, you can always see the list of files available for download here:

All these instructions came from: /

userHeadPic SnowranCruzick