
DFPLAYER PRO Memory chip replacement

userHead Vitaly.Vasilega 2022-12-21 14:25:30 173 Views1 Replies



There is a MKDV1GIL-AS memory chip on the board from the factory. The documentation says that 128MB of memory is available for the user, but if I understand the labeling correctly, then 1Gb should be available. Is it so?


If I want to increase the memory, can I replace the chip with MKDV4GCL-AB

Will this be of any use, or is 128Mb the maximum regardless of the chip?



2023-02-22 09:27:46


After asking the product manager of Fermion: DFPlayer Pro - A mini MP3 Player with On-board 128MB Storage (Breakout)(SKU:DFR0768), we didn't test certain operation. It may success. However, if you are seeking for more storage, DFR0299 DFPlayer Mini is recommended as external SD card can be used on this module.

Hope it can help.


userHeadPic NeloKin