
Firebeetle powered by lithium ion battery pack

userHead Squirrel.Ras 2022-12-25 07:11:33 177 Views1 Replies



I am having issues when trying to power up my firebeetle esp32 with a lithium ion battery pack. It is the 6600mAh which I have charged using the lipo charger. The board does not start up, and not lights (not blue nor red) light up when connected.


Any clues as to what is going on? When the board is connected via USB connection there is no problem.





2022-12-25 18:45:53

Hi all, just solved the issue. The code I uploaded makes it go into deep sleep. When I then plug the battery it is unable to wake up. So I force it to wake up by setting the blue led light to high by adding a single line of code in the setup function. Works like a charm now.

userHeadPic Squirrel.Ras