ozone values fourfold to high

userHead b.edler 2023-01-09 00:57:49 206 Views1 Replies

I attached a Gravity Electrochemical Ozone sensor at a RaspPi Zero W.

Unfortunately the values are far to high, indicated is a level of 0.02 ppm (in my home-office situated in the Swiss Mountains), which is far above a acceptable dosis of this hazardous compound.

At 23th of decembre I measured the the fourfold value of ozone, the official station in the capital city measured 6 ug/m3, I measured 120 ug/m3.

Any experiences about that issues around?

2023-01-17 10:39:54



Are you using the library provided by the wiki? 

Sorry, this library only has test records and codes for Raspberry Pi 3B and 4B.



userHeadPic jenna