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Gravity Conductivity Sensor Switch Project HELP

userHead Sea.Argonaut 2023-02-02 23:43:47 1138 Views8 Replies

hi i need help. I have to give an exam and my project consists of a human chain exactly like the example of the page below. Just that the code is somehow wrong. I go to art school and my professor is terrible and doesn't teach us anything. can you help me ?

2023-05-02 21:59:29



I have the same problem. The module outputs a high signal when I touch only one terminal (the External Resistance +).


I connected the cables as shown on the example:


I tried with three different Conductivity Sensor Switch, always with the same result.


As it is, it doesn't measure the conductivity, it's a simple contact sensor.

Do you have any idea what is causing the problem?Thank you

userHeadPic mathieubauer
2023-02-05 22:32:01

yes thanks for the replies. but what I would like it to do is: turn on the led ONLY if two different people touch a wire and touch each other in turn. how can i change the code?

userHeadPic Sea.Argonaut
2023-02-05 16:19:56

Gravity Conductivity Sensor Switch is a retrofit device that can monitor heavy metals in the soil. It uses gravity to simulate the “net mass” of pollutants and then compares it to visit site for the weight of water and/or salt on top of them. This will allow you to know if your soil could be contaminated by heavy metals

userHeadPic ReedFeeney
2023-02-05 15:10:08

HI ! When only one of the cables attached to the sensor is touched, the LED turns on; if the other cable is also touched, the LED light is somewhat increased. To close the circuit, however, two distinct people would have to touch the cables and then touch one another in order<a href="">.</a>  

userHeadPic Kirk.Sutton
2023-02-05 15:08:46

HI ! By merely contacting one of the cables attached to the sensor, the LED turns on; if the other cable is also touched, the intensity of the LED light increases slightly[url=].[/url] While to complete the circuit, two different people would have to touch the cables and then touch each other in order.

userHeadPic Kirk.Sutton
2023-02-04 17:58:17

Hello, what error are you getting when you try to use the code?

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
Sea.Argonaut wrote:

HI ! The LED lights up by touching only one of the cables connected to the sensor, if the other cable is also touched, the LED light increases slightly. While if it worked as it should, two different people would need to touch the cables and touch each other in turn to close the circuit.

2023-02-05 02:55:24
1 Replies